Wednesday, 11 June 2014

What is photographic slides

Posted by Саша 03:57, under | No comments

What is photographic slides? What is photographic slides?

what is photographic slides?

Other Answers:

In photography, a transparency is a still, positive image created on a transparent base using photochemical means. The terms slide and reversal film are also used. Contrast with negative and print.

Custom-made 35mm slides or overheads from graphics software

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In the old days, when you took a color, 35mm, picture, you'd put the negative in a slide (the negative slides into the slide) so you could handle it and show it through a projector on the nearest wall (or sheet). We then spoke about slide shows where you'd show many slides of your trip to yellowstone and everyone would go oohh, aahh, when is this show over so I can go home.

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