i havbeen takin 2 dis guy onl1ne named max and hes relly nicee. He sed he is 16 n goes 2 mah scul. but ive neva seen him. we talk onl1ne e/d@y. he always asks meh reellly nice quesions lyk "wwhat street do u liv on" or "u play on da scul softball team? whats ur jersey #?" don say dat hes not reel like mah friends say cuz he sent meh dis pic h ttp://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z67/de... hes relly nice n i want to be his gf. He wants meh to me3t him so wwe can go 0n @ dayt. he says we can b lyk romeo n juliet so we hav 2 ke3p r luv a secret. he wants 2 m33t at da park @ nite, bbud i dont th1nk dat wil b romantic. where shud we go??? (im 13 btw)
you are definetely underage. you can even spell or type your words out correctly. I'd say your in middle school therefore you don't need to see him. AND he's 16......O.o a 16 year old messing with a 13 year old....no way
Little girl, PLEASE listen to me.
This "young boy", is probably NOT a young boy.
No teenage boy cares about what street you live on.
He goes to your school, but you've never seen him? He doesn't go to your school.
No good relationship needs to be kept a secret, that's a red flag right there. If he "goes to your school" why cant you meet him at school? PLEASE. do NOT meet him at a park at night, that is the most dangerous thing I have ever heard. Please.
If you MUST meet him, meet him somewhere in the middle of the day, inside the mall or something, and take a friend, probably a male friend, and DO NOT SPLIT UP.
PLEASE I know you don't know me but PLEASE LISTEN.
Honey, Romeo and Juliet both died.
This "young boy", is probably NOT a young boy.
No teenage boy cares about what street you live on.
He goes to your school, but you've never seen him? He doesn't go to your school.
No good relationship needs to be kept a secret, that's a red flag right there. If he "goes to your school" why cant you meet him at school? PLEASE. do NOT meet him at a park at night, that is the most dangerous thing I have ever heard. Please.
If you MUST meet him, meet him somewhere in the middle of the day, inside the mall or something, and take a friend, probably a male friend, and DO NOT SPLIT UP.
PLEASE I know you don't know me but PLEASE LISTEN.
Honey, Romeo and Juliet both died.
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