Tuesday, 13 May 2014

How does judaism differ from christianity and how are they similar

Posted by Саша 07:05, under | No comments

How does judaism differ from christianity and how are they similar? How does judaism differ from christianity and how are they similar?

also in terms of daily life how do they differ and where do the jewish holidays originate from

Other Answers:

I can't answer all of the question, but here goes with what I know. Judaisim is the root of Christianity. Jesus was a Jew, as were all the first Christians. Christ fulfilled the Law, and brought about a new covenant, one based on Grace, apart from the Law. So, the difference is that the Jews reject Jesus as the Christ, and Christians accept Him.

Okay, some people think that Judasim is another form of control on people whereas some think that Christianity is freedom.

Each to their own oppinion I say.

Christians believe in 3 Gods (trinity) , Jewish believe in TRUE one God (because 3 in 1 still not like only 1 God).

Christianity has so many sects, unlike Judaism which has only very few sects

Jewish believe in Torah ... ONLY , while Christians must believe in old as well as new testament

As for how they both agree, well they agree on destroying Muslims, invading Muslim countries and lands... this is not a mocking .. it is true ... because they are waiting for the Messiah that should appear in Jerusalem

Christianity is not a part of, nor an extension of Judaism, it is an entrely new entity which Christ started and called a "mystery" to the contemporary scenerio that He lived in. He said "I will build My Church..." not alter the existing one. Christianity is centered on Jesus Christ and the New Testament, both of which are rejected by Judaism. The differ totally.

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