Thursday, 3 April 2014

If your pumping

Posted by Саша 06:59, under | No comments

If your pumping??????????? If your pumping???????????

How often do you pump, how long do you pump for, and how much milk do you usually get?

Other Answers:

i tried a breast pump, it didnt really work... so i expressed by hand.
i got ALOT really. put how much you think your little one would eat. 2-3 maybe 4oz. if they're not hungry anymore, they'll turn away and dont force them, if there is an oz left in the bottle. put an oz less next time,
if they seem to be hungry still off 3oz or 4. add another oz or 2 and so on.

Thank you for asking this question. I recently went back to work and was worried about how much milk i was producing. the answers made me feel better. I'm pumping every 3-4 hours (so 3 times at work) and only produce about 2-3 ounces on each breast. totaling 4 to 5 ounces. i know my baby def. has to drink more than this but as long as i keep it up I should be ok.

With my son I pumped and didn't really know what I was doing so I started like MASS producing. I boobies were constantly full and I would pump whenever. I just had my daughter 6 days ago and learned my lesson!! With this one I pump every 3-4 hours and pump 4 oz from each boob. I make sure I have about 16 oz in the fridge and the rest goes in the freezer. Usually about every other pump goes into the freezer. Oh and I pump for about 10-15mins.

*It's excruciating for my daughter to feed from my boob so I only use bottles. She eats every 3 hours, that's why I pump every 3 hours.

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