Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Realtor Ethics concerning contract extensions

Posted by Саша 08:37, under | No comments

Realtor Ethics concerning contract extensions? Realtor Ethics concerning contract extensions?

My mom is buying a condo and we ran into some shady mortgage people... we have finally found an honest company but we're afraid that we dont have enough time to get the mortgage approved by next friday may 25th, so we asked our realtor for an extension and she immedietly shut us down, saying flat out no without even contacting the seller's agent.... So since im not one to give up easily i called the seller's agent myself and asked for an extension and he said yes... so i want to know what happens if my agent refuses to put in the contract extension? Does the deal fall through and do they keep our $8500 deposit? What do i do next if she says no?

Other Answers:

Your realtor is YOUR agent. She is your employee and representative. If she refuses to put forth your requests to the other side, she has breached her fiduciary duties with you, but not the contract with the seller.

Fire her immediately and turn her in to the the agency in your state which regulates realtors. Instruct the seller's agent you fired your agent. Find a new agent immediately.

I suggest you call your realtor's supervisor, there are many titles for this depending on area, but ask to speak to the supervising broker. If all went down as you said it did:

#1 - she should have steered you to reputable lenders

#2 - she should have swooped in to try to save the closing date with your new lender

#3 - Bare minimum, she should have called the selling agent, explained that there was a problem, and drawn up an addendum to extend the closing date.

Your agent should not refuse a contract extension, considering the circumstances. Go higher.

Good luck.

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