Cross-domain scripting/JSON request ***?
A client browsing a website on domain B needs to load a javascript on domain A and that javascript also needs to be able to load JSON getting served up via domain A.
On domain B, I just want to put a reference to a loader script on A that loads up the rest of my scripts (I have jQuery dependencies etc)..
<script src="domainA/jsLoader.js" ...>
So, to clarify: in jsLoader, I can put an alert() and it works, but it doesnt work if I try to do document.write('<script s'+'rc="domainA/someOther.js"> .... </sc'+'ript>') inside of this file. I can see the script tag in the dom, but it doesnt load the functions!
I tried to copy how google maps load up their api (see
Please, qualified answers only. If you haven't done this yourself and just think you can google the answer for me, then please do not answer - its of no use for me.
Thanks... //CT
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