Catholic/Christan cross?
It is said to be pagan, especially the catholic one because of the circle in the middle of the cross which is said to represent the sun.
Catholic cross:
Christian cross:
What do you think?
Other Answers:
The cross has nothing to do with Christianity. It was incorporated into an apostate form of Christianity after Constantine supposedly had a vision of the cross. Constantine worshiped the sun and allowed the cross to come into the Christian "Church" as a way to allow idol worshipers to become professed Christians while at the same time being allowed to keep their pagan symbols. The cross historically and archaeologically is shown to be a phallic symbol or a symbol of sex worship. It reaches back to the Greek god Bacchus, Norse god Odin, the Egyptian sun god Ra, the Babylonian Tammuz, the Chaldean Bel, and Nimrod. It's basically a symbol of idolatry.
A cross with a circle is often called a Celtic cross and sometimes also called the St. Georges Cross. There are many variations on the theme. The circle in the center represents infinity. Circles and shapes derived from circles (such as the "fish" symbol": two bisecting circles) are a constant and recurring theme throughout Christianity. They are symbolic of peace and the great cycle of life, death and eternal life.
<<Catholic/Christan cross?>>
What about it?
<<It is said <snip> do you think?>>
I think you're trying too hard to see something that just isn't there. Your citation from jesus-is-savior dot com gives away your anti-Catholic bias.
You know the expression, "you shouldn't believe everything you read". . ? That applies to what you read on the Internet, probably especially what you read on the Internet. It's not just for newspapers and magazines anymore.
What about it?
<<It is said <snip> do you think?>>
I think you're trying too hard to see something that just isn't there. Your citation from jesus-is-savior dot com gives away your anti-Catholic bias.
You know the expression, "you shouldn't believe everything you read". . ? That applies to what you read on the Internet, probably especially what you read on the Internet. It's not just for newspapers and magazines anymore.
The meaning of symbols can change from age to age and mean different things to different people.
The cross is a symbol of Christianity because it was on a cross that Jesus surrendered His life so we may have eternal life.
I think it is very arrogant for one group of people to say what a symbol means to a different group. It is like me telling you how you feel about the importance of social issues.
The cross is a symbol of Christianity because it was on a cross that Jesus surrendered His life so we may have eternal life.
I think it is very arrogant for one group of people to say what a symbol means to a different group. It is like me telling you how you feel about the importance of social issues.
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