Thursday, 14 November 2013

How do blank firing guns work

Posted by Саша 00:15, under | No comments

How do blank firing guns work? How do blank firing guns work?

i was talking to a friend of mine and the subject of blank firing guns came up and i was wondering how they work do they fire anything and if so how is less lethal then a regular bullet thank you and any other info about blanks is extremely helpful

Other Answers:

Peter was correct.
I'd add that firarms designed for blank cartridges often have no bore.
Discharge of a ball cartridge in same weapon would injure shooter.
Blanks can be purchased for some general purpose weapons. It
is possible for spark or bit of the blank itself to issue from bore at
speed likely to injure or set afire anything beside muzzle. Military
blanks usually are crimped brass cases. You'll see a lot of these
in combat training areas.

A blank is not the gun its self rather the round it fires , you see it has a small paper disk that goes into the bullet where the tip of the round would usually go this seals it and creates the compaction needed for the explosion so when the round goes off it it just makes the noise and doesn't actually discharge anything , they use them in movies.

see this

do not ever shoot at anyone with a blank it is the same process as shooting a regular bullet it just does not have a projectile and if you put an object in the berrel it will become a projectile!You can shoot cleaning rods with blanks in ar -15s ive done it in training and killed a racoon

they work the exact same as a regular gun except they dont have a barrel and they fire blanks, also unless you hit someone with a blank gun good luck hurting them, blanks are just for making noise

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