Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Are you worried about anime and manga_

Posted by Саша 04:00, under | No comments

Are you worried about anime and manga ? Are you worried about anime and manga ?

so You probably already know this SOPA & PIPA are on hold right now but there is A LARGER threat to the internet and it's called ACTA , it literately takes you privacy away , if this is passed no more anime or manga , there will be searches at airports for your devices to see if they have copy righted material at them , the government will be watching your every move online .

and uf you are not worried about those things at least worry about your own PRIVACY .

SIGN HERE : , There is a huge protest TOMORROW , help send this out .

if you can get this across to just 10 people , send E-mails , post on twitter , facebook , your blog , ANYTHING it will help , it won't even take that much time out of you .

help save the internet .


Other Answers:

Agreeing with Lain. ACTA has been passed and been in function since October.

lol, it's sad how terribly uninformed you are.

Edit: Yes, this is the USA yahooanswers.

acta has been passed since october and nothing has changed. You anonymous preachers are scared of nothing.

Well I get my anime and manga legally so I'm not worried about it.

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